Monday, October 17, 2011

Halloween and going fun-da-mental

I love Halloween...favorite holiday of the year. There's something so exciting about dressing up and pretending to be someone else for a day...and getting CANDY for it! Holy crap that's awesome.
So, on top of dressing up, I love making costumes...and making them for friends is even more fun!!! I've finished up a full Victorian/Edwardian bustle skirt, a gorgeous sari wrap for an Inara (firefly, serenity) costume, a couple more Tig cuffs and Bella bracelets, and a really fun and funky new ring (photos of THAT later...still drying...)
I know I promised more how to photos but I confess I've been so caught up in creating that I've forgotten to take more photos. I have a few here, so I'm sharing them now.
See anything you like? Just ask, we can talk about custom work any time!!!

What happens when you take 3 yards of black satin and set me loose? Bustle skirt for a proper Victorian lady! Want tips on how to do this? Just ask!

For Inara from Firefly my friend just needed a sash to tie the whole look together. This one is gorgeous and I'm glad I'm only loaning it to her! It's not photographing as well as I'd like but it's fully pleated and has a hidden snap as well as Velcro to keep it in place while she moves.

And of costume goes to:


Ha ha! Happy Almost Halloween!!!

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